By Arthur Bugay “Saw Stop” flesh detection safety has now become generally accepted by the table saw industry. Last year, I toured my son’s vocational tech school and was pleased to see that its wood shop included Saw Stop safety saws. Not all schools are so good to their students; many still use[…]
Operation Orange Squeeze has begun along the Pennsylvania Turnpike[…]
Philadelphia personal injury lawyer, Peter Patton, Senior Partner at Galfand Berger, secured a victory in a products liability case recently (to read our previous blog on this case, click here.) In Capece v. Hess, Attorney Patton argued before the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania that a decision should be based on the[…]
It’s hard to imagine life before cell phones especially the latest smart phones such as Apple’s iPhone and the variety of Android phones that are […]
By Gabriela Raful, Esq. In January 2015, those receiving Social Security Benefits will see a 1.7 percent increase in their checks due to the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). The purpose of this increase is to ensure that the purchasing power of Social Security Benefits is not eroded by inflation. In other words, the main[…]