Halloween Safety Tips
October 24, 2019
Halloween is just around the corner, and many children and adults are eagerly anticipating a night of trick or treating and celebrations. Many people do not realize that this fun holiday can have tragic results when slip and falls, pedestrian injuries, and car accidents cause serious injuries. Halloween can be safe and fun for all by taking a few safety precautions.
Be Safe When Trick or Treating
Trick-or-treaters are the highlight of the Halloween holiday when they dress up in costumes and travel from house to house looking for the best candy. The following safety tips can ensure that all trick-or-treaters enjoy a fun night:
- Attach reflective tape to costumes and treat bags to make them more visible to cars.
- Use flashlights to prevent slip and falls.
- Make sure costumes are hemmed above the shoe to avoid accidents.
- Make sure masks do not block vision.
- Avoid sharp accessories, such as swords or daggers, or those with long poles.
- Test make up on a small area of the skin before applying it to the face to avoid allergic reactions.
- Teach children to look left, right, and then left again before crossing the street.
- Be careful not to run between parked cars.
- A responsible adult should always be with young children.
- Children must remember to never go inside a house while trick or treating.
- Do not use your cell phone or headphones when walking. Keep your eyes on the path in front of you.
- If you are walking along a road without sidewalks, always walk in the direction facing oncoming traffic.
Safety First in the Home
Many people decorate their houses for Halloween. This is one of the best parts of the holiday, but it can also be dangerous.
- Use LED candles instead of candles with live flames.
- Make sure electrical cords are out of traffic areas inside and outside the home.
- Clear wet leaves from steps, sidewalks, and walkways.
- Never leave lit candles or hot electrical decorations unattended.
- Replace burnt out bulbs on porch lights and stairways.
- Fix loose handrails and steps.
- Keep pets away from trick-or-treaters. Animals can become frightened by costumes and may be provoked to bite, even if they have never showed aggression.
- Children should never use sharp knives to carve pumpkins. Make sure a responsible adult handles all carving.
Have a Healthy Halloween
Candy is a big part of Halloween, but there are ways to keep the holiday healthy.
- Give out non-food items to trick-or-treaters.
- Eat a good meal before going to a party.
- Limit children to two pieces of candy each day.
- Offer snacks, such as pretzels and nuts, at Halloween parties.
- Encourage children to trade their candy for non-sugary alternatives.
- Serve water instead of soda or punch.
- Keep children active with plenty of exercise to balance their energy levels after consuming candy.
With a few simple precautions, children and adults alike can enjoy a safe and healthy Halloween.
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