Thousands of Pennsylvania workers get hurt on the job every year. Workplace injuries can be devastating for employees, leaving them with massive medical bills and time missed from work. While some industries have a higher rate of accidents than others, injuries can happen in any workplace in Pennsylvania. If you or a loved one suffered[…]
A Pennsylvania appeals court decided cannabidiol (CBD) oil meets the requirements as a supply item for employer reimbursement under the Workers’ Compensation Act. The case involved an injured workers’ compensation attorney whose doctor prescribed him CBD oil after he sustained a significant work-related back injury. The Court’s ruling last month reversed the Workers’ Compensation appeal[…]
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines an “aerial lift” as any vehicle-mounted device that is used to elevate personnel, such as an extendable boom platform, aerial ladder, articulated (jointed) boom platform, vertical tower or any combination of the devices. According to the agency, aerial lifts have by and large replaced ladders and scaffolding[…]
Thousands of workers are injured or killed by heavy equipment used in construction and other industries yearly. If you or a loved one suffered a heavy equipment injury at work, an experienced Workers’ Compensation and products liability lawyer can help you file the necessary claims. What Are Examples of Dangerous Heavy Equipment? Workers in construction,[…]
Every day, construction workers face an array of job-related hazards. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the “Fatal Four” are the deadliest. The top four causes of fatalities in the construction industry are falls, struck-by, caught-in/between and electrocutions. To mitigate known dangers associated with OSHA’s “Fatal Four”, employers need to take certain[…]