According to the results of a new study spanning the last three flu seasons, health experts are officially backing the high-dose flu vaccine for individuals over the age of 65. The high-dose vaccine contains four times as many antigens as standard-dose vaccines do, and offers more comprehensive protection, lowering the severity of potential complications in[…]
RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, causes infections of the lungs and/or respiratory tract. The virus is quite a prevalent one; for example, the Mayo Clinic reports that most children have been infected with the virus by the time they are two. Children are not the only ones who can get sick with RSV – adults[…]
We all know they’re coming…the holidays are practically here. And with the fast-approaching season comes more travel, more parties, and more cooking. Between the months of late November and early January, we all must remember to take certain precautions to keep ourselves, our friends and our families safe and sound. According to the National Safety[…]
On November 4, 2023, two SEPTA employees were injured by heavy equipment on train tracks in Norristown, Pennsylvania. The track workers were using a piece of machinery known as a “loader,” a work vehicle used to remove railroad ties. According to a statement released by SEPTA, at about 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, the two workers[…]
Pedestrian accidents have been on the rise in Philadelphia and across the country. The latest reporting year for Pennsylvania saw nearly 4,300 pedestrian crashes, with over 4,100 injuries and 150 fatalities. Pedestrian accidents can happen anywhere, including local small-town roads and downtown cities. Just as motorists are responsible to other drivers and passengers to operate[…]