by Michael McGurrin One of the main features to the Family Medical Leave Act (”FMLA”) is the return to work provision that requires that an employer return an employee, who has been approved for FMLA, to their original or equivalent position at the end of their leave. The Act entitles an employee to be restored[…]
July 29, 2013 – This summer, the District 10 United Steelworkers Conference was held in Atlantic City, NJ from July 22-24. Galfand Berger attorneys Deb Jensen, Mike McGurrin and Mike Malvey conducted a Labor Law workshop for the conference on Monday, July 22nd. They spoke about protecting workers following a workplace injury, the duty of[…]
June 5, 2013 – As a proud proponent of workers’ rights, Galfand Berger once again took the opportunity to support The United Labor Council of Reading and Berks in their 24th Annual Golf Tournament. This year, the event, which raises funds for the organization’s Annual Labor Day Parade and Celebration, took place on June 2,[…]
February 14, 2013 – Galfand Berger, LLP, hosted Philadelphia Jobs with Justice’s Annual Labor Law Reception on Tuesday, February 12, 2013. The event’s featured speaker was Sarita Gupta, National Executive Director of Jobs with Justice, which has recently merged with American Rights at Work. JwJ has a national presence in over 45 communities in 25[…]