Millions of people in the United States have – or will – lose their jobs as a result of nationwide business shutdowns and shelter in place orders meant to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Caused by a large family of viruses known as coronaviruses, experts expect COVID-19 will continue to cause devastating financial[…]
An order issued by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf ordered that all non-life-sustaining businesses must close their physical locations and residents have been instructed to shelter in place. If establishments fail to comply with the statewide order, enforcement consequences could include fines, citations, and license suspensions. State residents have also been granted an extension for filing[…]
A recent study shows that infants who are exposed prenatally to cigarettes and alcohol have a far greater risk for SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome, than infants who have no exposure. SIDS is a major public health issue on a worldwide scale. The study’s results show that by managing modifiable risk factors, such as[…]
According to a recent study, adhering to a healthy lifestyle is directly associated with a longer life expectancy free from major chronic conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. The study’s results are extremely noteworthy, because they show how just how important it is to live healthily in the present in order to benefit[…]
The Philadelphia Fire Department has not yet determined a cause behind the fatal explosion that occurred in South Philadelphia just before Christmas. The explosion was felt in homes and businesses blocks away; two people were killed and three houses were destroyed. According to neighbors, there was constant roadwork in the months leading up to the[…]