Following a series of crashes and fatalities, General Motors recently announced the recall of 1.4 million cars to repair an ignition switch problem. Certain Chevrolet, Pontiac and Saturn cars […]
It happens every day. A friend or a neighbor is working on a project and has to cut some lumber. You are asked to loan your portable circular saw, table saw, miter saw or […]
In the United States in 2011, there were 4,609 fatal work injuries, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fatal work injuries and private […]
Although devices to guard conveyors have been known for literally decades, unguarded conveyors continue to injure or even kill workers. This month the […]
Design Defects vs. Equipment Malfunction – The majority of third-party product liability cases are design defect cases. In a design defect claim, an injured […]