In some hospitals across the country, there is an influx of young patients seeking emergency medical care and treatment for their COVID-19-related symptoms and complications. At the onset of the pandemic, the majority of emergency room (ER) patients were around 65-years-old. Now, medical professionals report seeing more patients between the ages of 25 and 45.[…]
In an effort to curb COVID-19 from continuing to spread, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are once again urging Americans to wear protective facemasks and coverings. According to Robert Redfield, the CDC’s director, cloth face coverings are one of the most effective tools we have to keep viral transmission rates low. Data[…]
Even though COVID-related restrictions are starting to loosen up, things are still not 100% back to normal. Dentists in the southeastern Pennsylvania region are now able to perform routine dental cleanings and other procedures. With dental offices opening, now is a good time to learn about a few of the key differences you should be[…]
After facing weeks of pressure, the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) has finally released data on how many patients have died from Coronavirus, or COVID-19, in each nursing homes across the state. Residents of skilled nursing facilities account for more than two-thirds of the total deaths in Pennsylvania. So far, more than 5,800 Pennsylvanians have[…]
Although generally speaking the roads have been quieter since the United States entered a widespread shutdown in response to COVID-19, public safety agencies say that automobile crash death rates are spiking in several states. While many officials say they initially believed fatalities would dip during the pandemic, the opposite is happening. In many cases, speeding[…]