Recently the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fined a California company over $60,000 for multiple safety violations. The violations resulted in a deadly workplace forklift incident in which a 60-year-old man unnecessarily lost his life. OSHA’s investigation revealed that the employer could have prevented the fatality had the employer followed guidelines and ensured a[…]
The United States Department of Labor released its annual, nationwide summary of fatal occupational injuries. The document, which was released in December 2016, details the types of injuries that resulted in fatalities, as well as the most dangerous occupations and incident locations. The key findings of the census were that worker fatalities are on the[…]
Construction workers who are exposed to the elements during the winter are at risk for “cold stress.” Cold stress refers to any type of health emergency caused by exposure to cold weather conditions. When temperatures drop below normal and wind speed picks up, heat exits the body very quickly and can result in serious health[…]
Lawmakers in Pennsylvania are reviewing multiple provisions to discourage speeding in highway work zones. The first is a five-year pilot program to install cameras at work sites. Speeding drivers caught on camera would be issued a $100 citation. Another proposed bill would heighten the penalties for endangering workers on the road, with fines up to[…]
Each year, thousands of people are injured or killed as a result of a ladder accident.