When you understand the coverage options that are available to you, you are ready to get the best price for this insurance. Call several insurance companies to get price quotes for the coverages. Ask how much it costs to increase coverages and shop around. Then compare quotes and get the best price. Different companies have different pricing for coverages. It also is important to select a reputable insurance company and to check consumer magazines that sometimes rate different insurance companies for service. The cheapest insurance is not always the best. You can refer to our summary of coverages chart to see the recommended amount of coverage for each type auto insurance. There are a few things that can reduce your auto insurance premiums:
Each company offers different discounts. However, they usually do not volunteer this information, unless you ask.
If you want to change your coverage, simply call your insurance company and specify what you would like changed. It should send you forms to sign and a new Declaration Sheet. Check these documents to be sure they show the changes you want and watch out for those waivers.
There are a number of situations in which you will not be eligible to collect auto insurance benefits. One situation that disqualifies you is if you own a registered vehicle that is not insured. If you are going to “take a car off the road,” you must first cancel the registration then cancel the insurance. For example, if you put a car up on blocks in a barn for the winter and do not take it out for a drive, you still must cancel the car registration. The car still is considered registered even if it does not run. If you cancel the insurance on your vehicle while it still is registered, you are in violation of the law and could be ineligible to collect benefits on your other auto insurance if you are hurt while driving the uninsured car.
You also are ineligible for auto insurance benefits if you are:
Our firm, Galfand Berger, is made up of Philadelphia car accident attorneys who are dedicated to the principle of helping injured people get fair and just compensation for their injuries. For over fifty years we have represented injured people throughout Pennsylvania and helped to protect their rights. If you or your friends or relatives have questions regarding an auto accident injury, give us a call at 1-800-222-USWA (8792) and we will be glad to help you.