Crawford v. Tamarack Products, Inc.
Case Summary:
Our client was a 44-year-old machine operator who was in charge of operating a web applicator machine. On the date of the accident, our client reached under the machine’s guard and placed a razor blade against the rotating metal cylinder in an attempt to scrape off some glue buildup. In the process of doing this, our client’s left hand was pulled into the cut-off cylinder, which lacerated his left pinky and ring finger.
The web applicator machine, designed and manufactured by defendants, was defective as designed because the guard was insufficient to keep an individual’s limbs from getting pulled into the rotating cylinder. As designed, the sliding interlock guard on the web applicator allowed an operator of the machine to reach under the guard while the machine was in use and powered up. The guard, if properly designed, should have been required to slide open in order to give access to the rotating metal cylinder, and should have stopped the machine, rendering it inoperative when the guard was open.
Our client endured the amputation of his left pinky and ring fingers and suffered from severe anxiety following the accident.
The case settled before trial for $250,000. The hand injury case was handled by Philadelphia products liability attorney, Richard M. Jurewicz, of Galfand Berger. For more information on this case, please contact Mr. Jurewicz at [email protected] or call the law firm at 1-800-222-USWA (8792).