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  • Pennsylvania Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help

    In Pennsylvania, trucking companies are represented by large insurance companies with teams of highly skilled attorneys, and so if you have been injured in a trucking accident it is important that you find an attorney to represent you who has the skill and experience you need in litigating these types of cases.  In our state, the statute of limitations is two years, meaning you have a limited amount of time to decide to place a claim for your injuries.  Therefore, it is important to consult with a truck accident attorney who will help you advance your case.

    Insurance Company Claims

    If your injuries require you to make a settlement with insurance company claims adjusters, be aware that they want you to settle as quickly as possible.  Claims adjusters are very skilled at their jobs, minimizing payouts to injured victims when there is no attorney involved.

    Often, claims adjusters will get accident victims to settle the case before they know the full extent of their injuries.  Because some serious injuries do not appear for weeks or months, it is important to wait before you settle for anything.  Only by getting back to your normal routine will you be able to determine if your injuries affect your daily life and work.  If the injury causes you pain, suffering, and financial strain—especially if you need to miss work—you need to be sure to get 100 percent of your entitled compensation.

    Insurance companies are well aware of how much money they save if they are able to convince victims to settle, and have many tactics to accomplish this goal:

    • They may send you a general release, described as a property damage settlement.  This release may have wording that actually relieves the insurance company from covering your injury
    • Claims adjusters may tell you they believe your treatment is unnecessary or unreasonable and cannot be considered as damages.
    • A review committee will have supposedly looked over your claim and settled on a number, meaning there is no negotiation because several people have agreed to it.  In reality, there is no such review committee and they are simply attempting to confuse or intimidate you into accepting a smaller settlement.

    To get the best settlement possible from your truck accident case, call a Pennsylvania truck accident lawyer at Galfand Berger today at 1-800-222-8792.