According to new data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), there has been a steady rise in deadly child drownings since 2015. A majority of the fatalities occurs in residential pool settings and are linked to a lapse in adult supervision. With unintentional drowning remaining the number one leading cause of death in children[…]
Bayer announced that it is preparing to pay up to $10.9 billion in damages in order to settle approximately 125,000 legal claims that the company’s popular weed killer, Roundup, causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This settlement aims to end roughly three-quarters of the total pending cases against the corporate conglomerate, and allots a certain financial amount for[…]
An order issued by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf ordered that all non-life-sustaining businesses must close their physical locations and residents have been instructed to shelter in place. If establishments fail to comply with the statewide order, enforcement consequences could include fines, citations, and license suspensions. State residents have also been granted an extension for filing[…]
According to a recent study, adhering to a healthy lifestyle is directly associated with a longer life expectancy free from major chronic conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. The study’s results are extremely noteworthy, because they show how just how important it is to live healthily in the present in order to benefit[…]
Every holiday season, the radio station 93.3 WMMR hosts its “Camp Out For Hunger” campaign along with Philabundance, a Delaware-valley based hunger relief organization. Our firm is proud to announce that this is our 10th year participating in the important fundraiser. The campaign aims to reduce food insecurity and is the largest single-location food drive[…]