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  • Multi-Million Dollar Recoveries for Galfand Berger Clients this Summer

    Galfand Berger attorneys continue to achieve significant results for our clients.  We hire the experts, get the records, fully investigate the case,  and stand nose-to-nose against teams of lawyers who represent corporations and insurance companies.  We are the voice for our clients in the civil justice system:  workers, consumers, and motorists who all too often are the victims of another party’s negligence.

    Many of our clients suffer devastating, and sometimes fatal, injuries  Sadly, these tragic injuries or deaths could have been prevented had the responsible parties taken appropriate precautions.   This summer alone, we have achieved significant recoveries for injured workers and motorists. Of course, these recoveries will never fully make our clients whole.  However, these hard-fought victories will help ease the medical, emotional and economic injustices suffered by our clients and their families.  Below are just a few examples of cases our firm resolved this summer:

    • Rick Jurewicz obtained a $5 million recovery for the family of a man fatally injured when an 1800 pound paper roll crushed him. The paper roll had been improperly loaded and secured. Simple precautions could have prevented a senseless death.   The responsible parties failed to properly block and secure the bulk cargo they shipped by railcar.   They likewise failed to provide proper training and instruction in railcar safety.  As a result, our client died leaving behind his wife and an extended, loving family.  Rick’s hard work resulted in financial security for our client;
    • Debra Jensen secured a nearly $2 million dollar settlement for our client who suffered devasting leg injuries after being run over by construction equipment. The driver and owner of the equipment failed to utilize common sense industry standards in the operation of the equipment and failed to take precautionary measures on surrounding roadways.  Debra’s work eases our client’s worries about his future;
    • Peter Patton and Debra Jensen partnered in an industrial products case in which a machine malfunctioned, pinning our client against a wall. After suffocating for nearly two minutes, our client died.  Pete and Deb recovered $1.6 million for our client’s family;
    • Mike Malvey successfully negotiated a $900,000 settlement for our client, a passenger in a rental car, who was badly hurt in a guardrail accident. Even though the insurance company originally offered only $15,000 to settle the claim, Mike persevered until he reached the best outcome for our client.

    At Galfand Berger, our personal injury attorneys in Philadelphia have represented catastrophically injured clients and their families for over 65 years.  Our firm has a long history of raising the bar for obtaining verdicts and settlements in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you or someone you know has been injured, please call Galfand Berger toll free at 1-800-222-8792 or contact us online.

    1-800-222-USWA (8792)

