Our mission of delivering justice for our clients is as strong today as it was in 1947 when Harry Galfand and Albert Gerber founded our firm. Day-after-day, Galfand Berger staff and attorneys fight for our clients in and out of the courtroom. Our recoveries, which have often been among the highest in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, demonstrate Galfand Berger’s commitment to the people we represent. In 2010, we have recovered millions of dollars for our clients: ordinary, hard-working people, injured because of lax safety devices, defectively designed equipment or careless, reckless and indifferent behavior of others. In 2011, we’ll continue our fight. In fact, next year, we plan to release an update to our popular Blue Book, Workers’ Rights to Workers’ Compensation. For over 25 years, this helpful book has advised working people about their rights following an on-the-job injury. Call our office, or visit our website, for your free copy!