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  • Category: Slip & Fall

    What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident in a Grocery Store?

    Going to the grocery store is a regular part of life. Many people are likely unaware that they are walking into one of the more dangerous shopping environments. Slip and fall accidents are one of the most frequently occurring and common causes of injuries, sending many people to the emergency room each year. Injuries suffered[…]

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    What Should I Do if I Slip and Fall at Work?

    Slip and fall accidents are among the most common workplace accidents. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that 22 percent of workplace slip and fall accidents cause workers to miss more than a month and are the leading cause of workplace injuries in certain industries. The Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation receives over 160,000 work-related injury[…]

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    Are Traumatic Brain Injuries Common in Slip and Fall Accidents?

    Slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), comprising nearly half of all TBI-related emergency room visits and hospitalizations. A TBI can result in debilitating severe conditions, often causing permanent physical, behavioral, and mental damage requiring lifelong care. Every day, our Philadelphia slip and fall accident lawyers at Galfand Berger[…]

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    Who Is Responsible if I Slip and Fall at Someone Else’s House in Pennsylvania?

    When you go over to a friend’s home or stop by a neighbor’s house, you certainly do not expect to get seriously injured. However, slip and fall accidents happen daily. Homeowners and landlords are responsible for the safety conditions of the properties they maintain. When a property owner welcomes guests onto their premises, they have[…]

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    Can I File a Premises Liability Claim if I Slip and Fall at Work?

    Pennsylvania workers in multiple industries face inherent risks on the job every day. According to the CDC, slip and fall accidents cause the death of nearly 40,000 Americans every year. Many slip and falls happen on job sites or while completing work-related tasks. Often, workers will speak to their employer about filing a Workers’ Compensation[…]

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