Galfand Berger is proud to announce that Pennsylvania Bar Association’s (PBA) Bar Leadership Institute has selected Gabriela Raful for its Leadership Institute. Gabby, a partner at our firm, will be participating in the PBA’s prestigious program, which educates and trains future leaders at the state bar level.
In order to be considered for selection, applicants had to meet several requirements. Applicants had to be under the age of 40-years-old, and demonstrated leadership ability within five or less years of practicing law. The Leadership Institute only selects 10 applicants for the program.
Just months ago, Gabby helped organize an award winning CLE, or continuing legal education seminar. The CLE addressed critical issues like what legal rights local law enforcement officers have to enforce federal immigration laws, as well as what the boundaries and requirements for local governments are.
Across both her personal and professional history, Gabby has focused on helping others. She sits on the Board of Directors for the Berks County Bar Association, and is Co-chair of its Minority Law Section. The Minority Law Section strives for the equal and full participation of minorities in the justice system, and also works to find solutions for obstacles they face. Gabby also helped to organize Reading, PA’s “Day Without an Immigrant”, which garnered more than 3,000 participants. In addition, Gabby is a member of the Monitoring and Evaluation Team of the Language Access Advisory Group for the United Judicial System of Pennsylvania. In her role, Gabby makes certain that the courts remain open to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing or people who speak other languages.
Since its creation, the Pennsylvania Bar Association has upheld the same goals and mission statement, which include key points like:
• Promoting justice;
• Ensuring that impoverished individuals are not denied their legal rights;
• Encouraging in-depth and comprehensive legal educations, and:
• Advocating for just legislative efforts
Gabriela is the first Berks County attorney to be selected for the Bar Leadership Institute’s program. Participants like Gabby are afforded the opportunity to learn about the PBA’s day-to-day operations, including how the organization is governed and staffed. Gabby will also be introduced to an array of new leadership opportunities inside the PBA as well as beyond it.
Our firm has no doubt that Gabby will continue to advance her leadership skills both professionally and personally, and that the PBI’s program will even better equip her for leadership opportunities in the future. As a Partner at Galfand Berger, Gabby practices social security and workers’ compensation law. If you have legal questions and think that Gabriela may be able to help, please call our firm directly at 800-222-8792 or complete our online contact form.