June 25, 2012 – Last year, Galfand Berger attorney Mike Malvey lost his mom to cancer. To honor her memory, and to help fight this awful disease, Mike has entered the American Cancer Society’s 40th Annual Bike-a-Thon.
On July 8, 2012, rain or shine, Mike will ride his bike from Philadelphia’s Ben Franklin Bridge all the way to Atlantic City, New Jersey. As part of his fundraising efforts, Mike has written a moving tribute to his mom, her brave battle, and the inspiration for this journey.
On May 22, 2009, my Mother learned that her ten-year remission from cancer was over. The diagnosis was grim she had Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer throughout her abdomen, and surgery was not an option.
Like every other hurdle that life threw at Lynda Malvey – she was undaunted, and believed she would goon living. Through a series of drugs and treatments that did not even exist when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998, my Mother was able to enjoy two and a half years with her family, to celebrate her 60th birthday, and most importantly, to meet her beautiful grandson, Noah.
To say that my Mother fought cancer with bravery and grace would be a profound understatement. You would never know she was ill the way she continued living her life, helping others, and savoring life’s pleasures big and small.
Without the efforts of groups like the American Cancer Society, my Mother likely would have never met her Grandson. Every day new drugs and other forms of treatment are being developed that will someday give millions of others the opportunities to become a Grandparent someday.
I have not been on a bicycle in at least 5 years, so I’m not sure what to expect with this bike race in July. But I know that if I can summon just a small fraction of my Mother’s strength, it will be a breeze.
While Mike’s ride is a personal effort, it is a shining example of the commitment to community, which Galfand Berger’s attorneys and staff embrace.